<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b45d365f-317a-46af-886d-5428b6d2edb2/dropkit_logo_1500_1500.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/b45d365f-317a-46af-886d-5428b6d2edb2/dropkit_logo_1500_1500.png" width="40px" /> Dropkit makes retrieving, organizing, and working with files in your web browser seamless, so you can **spend less time handling files, and focus more on work that matters.

Add Dropkit to Chrome for free** ⬇️ ****https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dropkit/kadepengabfaclbkcjpdkmifloalhddc


🚀 Open Dropkit in any webpage with cmd+m (or ctrl+m)

Display your downloads or Google Drive files in an instant, anywhere. Then, drag-n-drop your files right into the current web page you’re working in.

Screen Recording 2022-09-20 at 11.33.02 PM.mov

☁️ Your Google Drive files, are just one click away.

Retrieve and insert your Google Drive files inside any web app. Also, save files from your Dropkit downloads directly to your Google Drive.


✏️ Rename and edit images right inside of Dropkit

Avoid context switching by previewing and making adjustments to your files right in your browser, without having to open them in your desktop file explorer or finder application.

rename and edit.mp4

📚 Avoid all the clutter

Avoid navigating through billions of open windows just to find a file in your downloads folder. Get to the files you’re looking for in one command, in one place.

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⚡Add Dropkit to Chrome, it's free!

👉 https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dropkit/kadepengabfaclbkcjpdkmifloalhddc

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Built by @_moebazzi 😁